Friday, February 17, 2017

electric blue

This ukulele, built in October of 2012, was an experiment in several ways. I toyed with staining the fret board (with bad effect) so it looks funny but I like it anyhow. It has a nice voice and has been my test rig for building pickup coils. Tinkering with coil pickups in these cookie tin instruments has been easy. The coil doesn’t need to interfere with the strings as the body is steel and a coil or set of coils can pick up sound anywhere on the inside of the tin. There is no need for shielding as the tin, grounded by the jack, is effectively a Faraday cage.
  • tin: 7 1/2 x 2 5/8 inch
  • scale length: 390 mm, 15 3/8 inches
  • head to tail: 635 mm, 25 inches
  • G .010, C .015, E .011, A .008
  • maple neck and fret board
  • two hand wound coil pickups and 1/4 inch output jack
new electric demo from The Tinkers Damn on Vimeo.