The lid of this tin depicts a scene from the Hans Christian Andersen story of the Lapp Woman and the Finn Woman, a part of The Snow Queen. Gerda, carrying a dried cod (it looks more like a sturgeon to me), is riding a reindeer on her way to see the Finn Woman. Oddly, the fish has a message written on it. Be that as it may, the resulting ukulele came out of the shop sounding really swell, and what’d ya know, no fish odor!
- tin: 190 x 90 mm, 7 3/4 x 3 1/2 in.
- scale length: 380 mm, 15 in.
- head to tail: 620 mm, 24 1/2 in.
- G .010, C .015, E .011, A .008
- maple neck
- paduak fret board
- stainless fork and rest
- silk neck tie strap
Lapp Woman from The Tinkers Damn on Vimeo.